Monday, May 14, 2007

Could the search finally be over?

Hiring a new editor for Animal Pharm has been a little bit of a challenge. (That, for those of you from beyond UK shores, is an example of English understatement. And irony.)

What a strange mix of candidates have flowed through my inbox. Some over-qualified. Some completely unqualified and some with great strengths in one or two areas but lacking a little too much in others. And some just plain puzzling.

But, cross your fingers for me gentle readers, the end may be in sight.

I can't share the name yet. There are still one or two procedural hurdles to be overcome.

But I hope that by the time I get on a plane for the US early on Wednesday morning, the details will be sorted out and everything will be signed, sealed and delivered shortly thereafter.

Watch this space...


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