Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mea culpa.

It's not good, is it?

Such a sizeable gap in posts is pretty poor practice.

In my defence, I've been caught up with honing and rehearsing a presentation to members of the Informa PLC board about Animal Pharm's activities in 2006 and plans for 2007.

In fact, if I can work out how to upload a Powerpoint presentation to this site, I'll share it with you. (But don't hold your breath... I can't afford to lose subscribers!)

And right after that came the Specialist Information Publishers Association (SIPA) workshop on moving to Web 2.0.

This was a highly thought-provoking day. More about mind set than technology (good because I'm not much of a techie!) it made us all think about ways of using the web to do a better job and draw more input and hands-on involvement from our subscribers and the wider animal health community.

You have been warned...

The new website launches in January.